Monday 2 September 2013

Grumpy Dog - Gastroparesis Update

Howdy you lovely people,

How you all doing? Good? I hope so :) 

Here is another update for you all. Oh, and before I forget, the new medication I was given alongside the injection is called Cymbalta (also known as Duloxetine). It is a form of anti-depressant that helps relax the muscles. We are hoping that it will stop mine from spasming and causing me pain. Will it help? Who knows - only time will tell I suppose!! 

The injection is .... well, I'm not really sure. It seems to take the edge off - kinda. But I'm still in a fair amount of pain. My eating hasn't been great to be honest and I'm in pain after I eventually manage to pluck up the courage to eat. I am STARVING but what can I do? It sucks so I just need
My Lil Terrier...
No really, He's a West Highland Terrier :)
 to distract myself and sleep lots. It's definitely not quite as bad as it was before I had it but it's certainly not done anywhere near enough to make eating do-able. We are going to see if maybe the pain man can do another injection but a higher dose and see if that does anything more. I mean, sure it's not done much so far but it showed a glimmer of hope so thinking that if it was a higher dose that maybe it would help. Even if it's just enough that I can bare the pain rather than curled up in tears. I had another sleepless night last night and woke up pretty much every hour. Think the dog was getting rather annoyed with me moving about all night because I definitely heard some huffs and puffs from him HAHA!! 

The pain seems to get worse as the day goes on whether I have done anything that day or not. So my evenings consist of my laptop, dog, phone and most importantly... MY BED :D 

I'm seeing my specialist on Wednesday. The one who popped the pacemaker in and got me to where I am today. He'll most probably check the pacemaker is all good and working and maybe play around with the settings, maybe not. Who knows. So I shall be sure to let you know how that goes. There's not much else to update really as the pain has been much the same with just a slight edge taken off and the medication can take around 10 days to kick in.

Before I go, I just wanted to take the time to say Thank You to everyone who has been reading my Blog and/or watching my Youtube Channel. The feedback and support and kind words (particularly in the last week) I have had back are overwhelming and ultimately are what keep me going on days that I don't feel so good. Knowing that people care and enjoy what I take time to do, is amazing :) Be sure to leave comments below or on my youtube or maybe you fancy a chat? If you do,  Tweet Me or Facebook Me and we can have a chit chat :)

My question for you all today is, What are your aims for this week? Let Me know!

Stay Strong 

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