Tuesday 10 September 2013

Energy Fail - Gastroparesis Update

HELLLOOOOOO you lovely human beings
How you doin'? (Now say that again, but as if you are Joey from the tv show Friends)

I thought I'd give you a quick little update. Not too much has happened in the last few days to be honest. The pain has been getting worse and the energy has been getting lower. What do you expect when you're running on fresh, polluted and COLD air? Oh yes, Winter is definitely on its way. It is FREEZING!! I seriously wish I lived somewhere that was nice and warm all year round!! Don't you? Or do you like the cold and wet weather? Comment below!! 

Anyway, back on the subject of Gastroparesis. I have an appointment tomorrow with the pain specialist and he is going to be doing the same injection again but with a much higher dosage. He's going whack it in there and we are hoping and praying it does the trick. I'm losing weight again because I am not eating and quite frankly, I AM STARVING!!!! I am so blooming tired as well which is just not cool. Although, lying in bed, in pjs, under my duvet cover and snuggled up to the dog and teddy is rather cosy when it's cold outside :P Always a positive in every negative as they say. Well, I think the actual saying is 'Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining' but who cares about the details HAHA!

Not sure why I've put this picture in
But it's cute... SO I DID..
Not much else to report as nothing has improved or changed and nothing dramatic has happened that doesn't regularly happen anyways. I shall let you lovely people know how the higher dosage of injection turns out so keep yo sexy fingers crossed because .... well I don't really know where I am going with this but it sounded good in my head! :) 

That's all for now. Speak to you all soon! 

Stay Strong

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