Monday 16 September 2013

Poorly Dog Is In The Ward - Gastroparesis Update

Hello you lovelies,

It's been a while I think (or it feels like it anyway) since I last did a blog post. I just don't quite know where time goes. Why is it that time either goes super slow or super fast? There just doesn't seem to be an in between or is that just me being special?

So, what's new? How am I? Has the injection worked? I hear you all screaming.... or not as the case is most likely to be. Hey! I can imagine and believe it if I want to :) 

So, where do I start? The injection was pretty darn painful when it was done this time, not going to lie. He did it slightly more over to the left of my stomach than last time and hit the spot where it was most tender and painful. My entire body stiffened up, my knees tensed and went dead straight whilst holding my breath attempting not to cry from pain. I felt like maybe it was a good sign? Maybe he had got the right spot and it would do the trick? HAHA who was I kidding. To be fair, the pain is SLIGHTLY and by slightly I mean like a crumb size better IF I don't eat or drink. If I eat or drink then..... we have .no lift off once again!! During the day, I have noticed a very slight improvement particularly before I move. As the day goes on however, we are back to square one. Which, quite frankly .... SUCKS... wouldn't you agree? I have to email Mr. Pain Dr either tomorrow or Wednesday to let him know what has happened since the injection to see where we go from here. Maybe a higher dose? Maybe do it in a few places? Who knows... I'm a little hopeful though as it has been the only thing that has shown ANY sign of improvement or possibility that it could potentially work alongside something else or something like that. I did some retail therapy yesterday with my sister and mum so that is always good :) Well, my purse doesn't necessarily agree with that but oh well YOLO  :D 

Maxi The Mental Dog
In other news, my baby boy (the dog, not an actual baby) is poorly. He has a poorly paw so he has been sulking for the past few days. He got a grass seed we think in his paw and then he licked it out and the hole it left got a little bit infected. So, he's on two lots of medication (still not quite up to my level just yet haha) and he has a cone round his head. He's not a happy bunny, but then would you be if
you had a cone round your head? He can't eat or drink properly without me feeding him or lifting the bowl up to his head. Sometimes he is super fussy and likes me giving him water through a syringe. I also have to scratch his head and behind his ears for him because when he tries all he does is give the cone a scratch. I don't think a plastic cone really needs a good scratch to get rid of an itch though. SPOILT DOG OR WHAT THOUGH? So, my bed is like a hospital ward now with the both of us. Oh, and I'm on antibiotics again for a stupid annoying infection. I swear my body just hates me!!!
So between me and the dog.... well.... what a pair eh?! 

Well, that is all for today. I filmed some videos today for my YOUTUBE CHANNEL, so I'm either going to go edit those, watch other peoples youtube videos, get distracted by cuddling the dog or hibernate for the night. Haven't quite decided which one to do just yet :) 

Question for the post - Do you have any pets? If yes, what animal and what's their name? If no, what would be your dream pet? Comment below or drop me a TWEET :) x

Love you all you sexy people :) 

Stay Strong

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