Saturday 7 September 2013

New Year, New Achievement? Gastroparesis Update (&Life)

Welllll... Helloooo there you lovely human beings

How you all doing? Good? Great? Brill? 
I thought I'd give you all a little update as it has been a few days now.
What has been going on? 

Apple & Honey (AND HONEY CAKE)
 is a New Year Tradition
Well, for those of you who don't know, it was Rosh Hashanah (The Jewish New Year) on Thursday & Friday just gone. So, as usual we went to Synagogue on the Thursday morning. I lasted about an hour maybe and then I had to run out as I felt like I was going to through up. AWKWARD!! (sorry if this is a bit.... gross - but unfortunately it is life when living with Gastroparesis) Through the majority of my illness I have never really been one to be sick often it's usually been the pain. For the most part, the bad sickness comes when the pain is at a real high - which it has been recently in particular again. I've been lucky in that the majority of the time that I have gone to be sick, I have been at home or at least out of public view and near a toilet. This time... that was far from the case. Everyone was sitting down and
quiet listening to what was being read out by the Rabbi when I turned to my mum telling her 'I think I'm going to throw up'. I got up, ran across the room, out the Synagogue and across the car park to the bushes. My body does not deal well with being sick - but then again who's does LOL. A lot of the time that I throw up, my body goes into shock and I'll end up having or coming close to having a panic attack. As per usual, my body started going into shock and everything was going tingley and shakey and I was in tears. My Mum went to get my Dad and he took me home where I then went to throw up again (as I have many nights in the past few weeks). I was retching but nothing actually came out but I guess that makes sense being that I haven't eaten in well a while lets say, so there was nothing in there to come out. It then worsens the pain even more which is just NOT cool! I was horrified by it. It's made me super anxious about going back to Synagogue on Saturday next week for Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) incase it happens again. Seat by the door for me I think!!! 

The pain doesn't seem to be getting any better which is frustrating and not making me a happy bunny at all as you'd expect. My pain is a real pain in the hooharr (what? It's the best I could think of that was polite :D ) Bring on Wednesday when the pain specialist is giving me another injection but with a higher dose of the Cortisone. Everything is crossed that this makes a difference!! It really is getting me down in the dumps feeling so ill and not being able to eat and being isolated from people and family when it comes to family meals be it my parents and siblings or bigger family get togethers that I don't go to. I've pretty much stopped going to family get togethers because I either don't feel well enough
and/or I am too uncomfortable being around the food whilst they are all eating and I can't eat anything even though I want to more than anything!! STUPID STOMACH!! GET YOU FREAKING ACT TOGETHER.... AND FAST! 

On a real positive though, if you have seen my 
video on my Youtube Channel (which I have attached to this blog post - be sure to watch it & maybe even thumbs up it) about being able to achieve whatever you want to, I mentioned how I was really proud of myself for managing to keep my job through all my illness. Today, I got promoted to Supervisor. That in itself is a huge achievement, but the fact that I have been through so much in the past two years and I'm still being given this opportunity and that they think I can do it has really boosted my confidence and my fight to beat this illness. It really goes to show that no matter what gets thrown at you, you can still achieve anything you set your mind to!!

Anyway, I thought I would leave you all with a positive!! My question for you all today is - What is the 1 thing you have achieved that you are the most proud of? It can be anything from getting out of bed if that's a struggle to a dream job or well... anything you wish it to be :) 
Don't forget to spread the word.... Help raise awareness and one day discover a cure!!
Be sure to check out my channel and show me some love there too PLEASEEEEEE :) would mean a lot <3

Love you all lots and lots like jelly tots

Stay Strong

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