I hope you are well and having a lovely day no matter where you are in the world.
So recently it was Thanksgiving over in America and it got me thinking, no matter where in the world you are we should all stop and think about what we have and what we are thankful for. I mean, really we should be doing it through the year but hey ho.
Life moves soooo fast that we do forget to stop and think about what we do have instead of always moaning about what we don't have. We are all too fast about thinking about what we don't have and what we want that we just do even think about the fact that we should be thankful for the stuff we do have as many people out there don't even have that. I thought I would share a few of the things I am truly thankful for and I would love to hear about things you are thankful for too in the comments or on social media.
This may come as a surprise but there are the odd few amazing, genuine, caring doctors out there. I have my share far of bad experiences and bad doctors and like everyone else I am quick to complain and moan about it. That being said, I am exceedingly lucky to have a couple of the doctors that I have. I mean... my pain specialist for example. Without him I would have had a ton more A&E trips, drugs that screw up my insides. Like with any doctor they can throw some pills at you or tell you that you are crazy and get rid of you. I am so lucky that my main specialists I am currently under are the way they are. They know what they are doing and they genuinely care about me and what is in my best interest. Without them I know I would be a hell of a lot health wise and probably mentally also. I know that my life quality would be so much worse. I may have had to go on super long waiting lists to get to be under them but boy was it worth it. Shows there are some truly amazing doctors who love what they are doing and care still out there.
Lastly, I am thankful for my journey in life and experiences I have had. Good or bad they are what have shaped me to be me and helped me see things in different ways and open my eyes to stuff. I have had my fair share of pretty sh*tty things in life, but in one way or another they have changed me for what I think is the better. Everyone experiences life in different ways and we all take different things from every situation. I may not enjoy them all.. okay well I haven't enjoyed them all for sure but I am still thankful for them because if nothing else they make me appreciate and enjoy the good ones that bit more.
That's all for today. If you are American or live in America, Happy belated Thanksgiving. Is that a thing people say? belated Thanksgiving? Oh Well... I just did!
Have a lovely day and take a few minutes to stop and think about what you do have ... not what you don't have or want.
Love ya all
Stay Strong