I hope you are well and having a lovely day no matter where you are in the world.
So recently it was Thanksgiving over in America and it got me thinking, no matter where in the world you are we should all stop and think about what we have and what we are thankful for. I mean, really we should be doing it through the year but hey ho.
Life moves soooo fast that we do forget to stop and think about what we do have instead of always moaning about what we don't have. We are all too fast about thinking about what we don't have and what we want that we just do even think about the fact that we should be thankful for the stuff we do have as many people out there don't even have that. I thought I would share a few of the things I am truly thankful for and I would love to hear about things you are thankful for too in the comments or on social media.
The number one thing I am truly truly thankful for is my family (and my dog, though he is my family but you know what I mean). I know we have our arguments and say some horrible things to one another on a regular occurrence, but, without them I wouldn't be where I am today (and I don't just mean because my parents had to ... you know to make me haha!). We have been through so much together as a family and they help me so much through the bad times and are there to enjoy the good times with me too. The support and love they give me is beyond anything I could ever have hoped for. We have had a fair few really really rough years which alone I could never have got through, I couldn't see a light at the end of the tunnel, but together.... together we are unstoppable and find a way to that light together. I know that not everyone has that. Not everyone has such a supportive family. They don't have parents that would stand by them no matter what and go to 1001 appointments at the hospital or put their kids first. Not everyone has a sister and/or brother who deep down really cares and helps in anyway they can especially when it is really needed. Without my siblings, parents and dog .... I would have given up a long long time ago. I never say it or even think about it really... but I should because I am super lucky to have that.
Another thing I am so thankful for are my close friends. I am not talking about the ones you hang out with just to have fun and when it suits them. I am talking about the ones that are there through thick and thin. No matter whether it is good or bad and no matter how many arguments or disagreements you have... they are still there and do anything they can do support you through the bad times and have a blast with you no matter what. I may not have a million friends but to be honest I wouldn't want that. I am more than happy with having just 1 or 2 amazing friends who are more like family. The ones that will start work early just so they can finish early and come spend 3,4,5 hours at the side of your hospital bed so you are not alone. The ones who make you laugh when you are in the worst mood and really don't want to laugh. The ones who you can talk to about anything and know they won't judge you. You know who you are if you are reading this, and I may not send soppy messages or tell you enough... or ever - but I am beyond thankful to have you in my life and couldn't imagine not having you in it so... you're stuck with me for like okay? Good!
This may come as a surprise but there are the odd few amazing, genuine, caring doctors out there. I have my share far of bad experiences and bad doctors and like everyone else I am quick to complain and moan about it. That being said, I am exceedingly lucky to have a couple of the doctors that I have. I mean... my pain specialist for example. Without him I would have had a ton more A&E trips, drugs that screw up my insides. Like with any doctor they can throw some pills at you or tell you that you are crazy and get rid of you. I am so lucky that my main specialists I am currently under are the way they are. They know what they are doing and they genuinely care about me and what is in my best interest. Without them I know I would be a hell of a lot health wise and probably mentally also. I know that my life quality would be so much worse. I may have had to go on super long waiting lists to get to be under them but boy was it worth it. Shows there are some truly amazing doctors who love what they are doing and care still out there.
This may sound cliche but, I am thankful for having a roof over my head and food on the table. There are more and more people ending up on the streets without a warm place to stay and a comfy bed to sleep in. The cost of living is so much and I am lucky my parents haven't kicked me out. I mean many people my age have moved out with boyfriends or got married by now and I haven't. I am still at home.. single... earning minimum wage pretty much and I am sure I am not the easiest to live with. I can't imagine I would do all that well living on the streets or not having food there when I feel some what ok to try and eat. I am lucky that I get to come home from work or wherever I am coming from to a warm, cosy home with a roof and a bed. I am a lucky lil girl (well not so lucky when it comes to health but you know what I mean :) ).
Lastly, I am thankful for my journey in life and experiences I have had. Good or bad they are what have shaped me to be me and helped me see things in different ways and open my eyes to stuff. I have had my fair share of pretty sh*tty things in life, but in one way or another they have changed me for what I think is the better. Everyone experiences life in different ways and we all take different things from every situation. I may not enjoy them all.. okay well I haven't enjoyed them all for sure but I am still thankful for them because if nothing else they make me appreciate and enjoy the good ones that bit more.
Okay... I will stop being so soppy now. I am just saying what is in my heart when I stop and think about the things I am thankful for. The things that help keep me going no matter what. We don't do that enough. At least I know I don't. I don't think about them and don't appreciate them enough that's for sure. I intend or appreciating everything more and think about what I am extremely thankful and lucky to have in my life - good or bad. I really encourage you to do the same. Makes me a little happier because it shows me what good I have in my life as the bad often over shadows the good and I don't see it so much.
That's all for today. If you are American or live in America, Happy belated Thanksgiving. Is that a thing people say? belated Thanksgiving? Oh Well... I just did!
Have a lovely day and take a few minutes to stop and think about what you do have ... not what you don't have or want.
Love ya all
Stay Strong
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