Sunday, 20 November 2016

Bad Day? - We All Have Them!

Hey Everyone

I hope you are well and having a great week.

Recently I have been having a few ..... sh*tty days if I am honest. I have felt totally demotivated and felt like giving up, where my anxiety has completely taken over me and I didn't feel well on top of that. Now, I know we all get days like that but whenever I have them I then get into this mind set that I am not strong, a failure in life, a failure for feeling down and demotivated, like I don't deserve to have happiness etc... I think that is what makes it the hardest to pick myself back up. The thoughts that go through my head which are pretty much just putting myself down. It is okay to have bad days, weeks or even months (anyone else automatically go into the friends theme tune?). Even the people you see in the media who look like they have the perfect life and are super happy have crappy days where they are unhappy and feel like giving up. It is normal. And that is what I have been trying to tell myself.

The reason I am writing this post is partly as a way to get all my feelings out and make myself remember that it is okay and that having a bad day doesn't in any way make me a failure in life, but also for anyone out there having a bad day, week, month or even year (anyone else get the Friends theme song in their head again there?... okay I get it - I have an obsession). See, when I first lost my motivation on the weekend, I laid in bed all day watching episode after episode of Gilmore Girls (which is awesome, you should watch it) and hid away from the world. Whilst that is not always a bad thing to have 'me time', it didn't help my mood and really I probably should have forced myself to do something I love. Whether it be shopping, playing with the dog, filming youtube videos or whatever else it may be. By forcing myself to do it, I start feeling happier because I am doing something I like that makes me smile and distracts my mind. Okay, I know it is not as simple as that to get myself out the funk but it is a step in the right direction and all those little steps are what helps pick you back up right?

Something I have done recently is sit down and try figure out what it is that is bringing my mood or motivation down. I know some things such as my crappy health are out of my control, but there are also things that are in my control. Whether it be who I hang out with and talk to or a job or whatever else it may be. We may not realise it but by surrounding ourselves with things like; the wrong people or staying in a job that we don't enjoy or really isn't right for you - they effect your mood massively and to some degree are in our control to try and change. I'm trying to make some changes in my life which are hopefully for the better... even if it is for the short term where I have more and more changes again and again until I'm happy. Nothing in life is perfect but then again what is perfect? Everything we experience and feel in life is what makes our journey and is what makes us us.

Sorry if you feel reading this was a waste of your time but just felt like getting it off my chest but also to remind others who are having a bad day that it is ok.... we are all entitled to regardless of what we do or don't have in our lives. There is always someone out there that loves you and that is all that matters :).... and hey - I will always be there for each and every one of you!!

I shall let you get on with your day... make it count
Thanks for taking the time to read and support me with all the lovely comments I have received lately. They mean the world to me

Stay Strong

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