I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the long bank holiday (if you're in the UK)!
Sorry in advance that this is a little long but it is worth the read... I promise.
Over the years I've had periods of time where I have been extremely low and periods of time where I have been happy with life. I've had different definitions of what I feel makes me feel happy and sometimes have even felt low because I thought I could never be happy because of my extremely poor health. I've been so low that doctors, friends, family and work colleagues have notice and mentioned about it and the 'd' word ('depression') has been used on more than one occasion.
Over the past 6/7 months, my health took an even bigger turn for the worse and even more symptoms and conditions came to light. Once again, my negative mind set hit even further down that rock bottom. However, more recently, even though my health is still shitty (mind my french - sorry mum) I'm seeing things in a very different way. I'm managing to turn my negative thoughts into more positive ones, wanting to talk to people a little more and am beginning to find my way again. Don't get me wrong, I still have days where I want to curl up and not see or hear anyone - it is an on going thing. Nothing worth it is easy in life or happens over night.
There are all type of videos on the interweb... some extremely uplifting and inspiring and some that are ... well.... interesting lets just say. I became really inspired by the journey of a few youtubers in particular along with certain 'celebrities'. People who know me will know my absolute idol and favourite singer/actress ever is Demi Lovato. Between her, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Marissa Lace and Claudia Sulewski, something triggered in my head. They taught me that happiness comes from within. If you don't love you how can you expect someone else to? If you don't help look after yourself why should anyone else put their energy in trying to help you? If you take control of you life... how can you expect it to magically happen the way you want it? No amount of money can buy true happiness that will last.....
incorporate into my life:
- Making time for me every day.
- Starting the day by reading a page of my Stay Strong book that gives me an objective for the day to think about.
- Doing something about one thing that bothers me and trying to find ways to achieve things I dream of doing and not letting anything make me believe it isn't possible.
- Including some form of exercise or body condition every morning before starting the day (even just 2 minutes)
- Be more aware about what I put into my body
- Cutting people out my life who don't make me happy or bring positivity in my life
- Appreciating who and what I do have in life
- Remembering that being kind/friendly to everyone be it a friend, family or stranger can really change the way their week is going or even their day. - even just a simple hello how are you.
- Setting myself a goal/s that I know a practical and can be achieved with hard work
- Remember that everyone is growing through their own insecurities and difficulties that you can never truly understand but a simple hey or how are you can help them through the day. Being nice goes a long way
In doing this, I have started feeling a passion about things I had lost passion for or had given up on. It has shown me that everything can be changed when we put our mind to it. Happiness isn't about having the perfect figure, or perfect health and a ton of friends with a huge pay check each month. Happiness comes from what we make of life. If we don't make an effort to work towards what our heart desires and how we choose to make our life. If we have people around us who put us down all the time, how can you ever feel good about things? How you wake up and start your day is what sets up the rest of the day. We will never be able to make everyone else happy with what we do, but as long as we make ourselves happy.... who cares!
I've started looking into things that I want to achieve and experience in the future and begun to find me again. I've learnt who my true friends are and to be honest, I wouldn't even say I lost any friends in the process, I've just found out who were actually friends and who was there for good times and for them. The mind is a very powerful thing. What is the point of just existing? Why earn money just to live when you can earn it to experience things that will make you never want life to end and make you love it and smile. A smile is priceless!!
I'd love to hear the things you do and what things you would say are what really makes you happy.
Have a great day
Stay Strong
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