Sunday 15 May 2016

Midodrine Drug Trial Update #2

Hey Everyone,
Hope you're all well and have been enjoying the sun (if you've had some) 

I thought I would do another update on the trial of Midodrine for today's post. It has been just over two weeks since I had the first dose now and I can still see a slight difference such as I can get out of bed without collapsing (bonus!). It definitely isn't as affective as the first few days/week of taking it but that could be one of two reasons I guess. It could either be because I need a higher dose/ more often in a day or it could be my body being my typical body and accepting something for a week then laughing at me and stops it working any longer. Guesses as to which it is with my track record but trying to stay optimistic!

I am still currently taking 1 2.5mg tablet every 4 hours (3 a day) which to be honest is a bit of a pain in the behind but I understand they have to be careful and do it slowly. It just means the earlier I start the tablets that day (such as a work day), the earlier in the evening/day they all wear off and I feel like absolute **** but they have to be careful my blood pressure doesn't shoot up and get too high as that is dangerous. Slowly does it as they say. So far my blood pressure has been stable as we have been monitoring it at home because I wasn't allowed another Ketamine Injection when I last at my pain specialist and so I was told to keep an eye on it between then and my next appointment with him and he will the decide if he is happy to do another injection. The reason for that is Midodrine raise your blood pressure as does Ketamine so, doing Ketamine right after starting this medication would be silly and potentially dangerous. If both were to raise my blood pressure to high, a blood vessel could pop or something. That wouldn't have been so good!! My pain specialist really cares and doesn't want to see any medication cause me harm now or in the future so he is extremely careful. I totally understand that it has just been hard as the Ketamine definately helps the pain to a degree so the pain as got worse during the day again and then when you put food in the mix.... well... lets just say it doesn't make me a happy bunny after! 
I've still been getting quite bad headaches throughout the day even when the tablets are at full effect but... I've not been fainting so it has definitely made a difference when you look at it like that. It is just annoying because my day is so short and I really have to plan my day around the time the tablets end and when I need to take them. I have 3 alarms a day on my phone to take a tablet... that is what my life has come to BUT if it helps, I am A Okay with that! 

In terms of how it is helping my eating - I'm still getting very drowsy after eating and go in and out of ... well potentially sleep or potentially consciousness. We are not too sure which one it is which is why they want to do a Gastric Emptying Studying (4.5hour test) whilst monitoring every part of my body at the same time I eat and for a fair few hours after to see what it is that is happening when I eat. So keeping an eye on blood pressure, sugar levels.... absolutely everything in theory! I am managing to eat a little more but that is purely because I am not having those 'funny' turns after so it is easier to eat as I don't worry or feel bad about my parents and siblings having to deal with the after effects and then I feel absolutely awful physically and mentally after and the following day. This then results in a tiny bit more energy which is quite nice not going to lie. Mind you I still pay for it the following day! 

In terms of just everyday when food isn't involved, it definitely makes a difference and I am not feeling as faint or fainting but i'm still feeling funny when I stand up and have headaches all day everyday. I am able to walk around for a bit longer before feeling dodgy which is always nice so I have managed a few dog walks and of course... a few shopping trips. I still have headaches through the day and feel a bit wobbly when I'm walking but it is nowhere near as bad which is super nice and a major change. It also has allowed me to spend the day with my mum on my birthday and then go to the cinema in the evening. Although I didn't feel great I was able to get out of my bed and do things which 2 weeks ago I couldn't. I never really get to spend time with my mum unless it  is for a hospital appointment so it was so special being able to spend time with her away from all of that for 1 day!! I'm still having to lean on things a bit and sit/lie down every so often to steady myself and try calm the lightheaded feeling bit it is a big improvement! 

Overall though for the lowest dose, it is the first medication to have any real effect and that has lasted more than a couple days. So I'm pretty happy with that!! I get to add an extra tablet a day in a few days time so I'm hoping that makes a little bit of a difference and improves the length of my day if nothing else. Like before, I am not going to get my hopes up as there is nothing to say that with a higher dose things will get better as in theory they could also get worse or back to where they were but I am hopeful that this will continue to help even if it is only in a small way. Every Little Helps and all that jazz right? 

I think that covers everything for now but I will of course do another update soon. If I missed anything out I will add it in next time or into another post or something. OR if you have any questions please do just let me know. I am also thinking of starting weekly vlogs on my Youtube channel which I will include little updates in and see how those do so be sure to head over and check thought out - 

I hope you are all well and enjoying May!! 

Stay Strong

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