Tuesday 26 April 2016

Getting Back On The Right Path

Hey Everyone
How are you all? 

I know it has been a fair while since I last posted and there are a few reasons for that. Having said that, I'm happy to say I am back and plan for it to stay that way. 
To get back into it I wanted to talk about a couple of the reasons as to why I stopped blogging and where I am at today. I will do a separate post updating you with my health properly but once you start reading you will understand what I mean. BUTTTT you probably want to grab a cuppa or something because it could be a long one... SORRY NOT SORRY! 

I started my blog and my Youtube channel for that matter to help raise awareness of my health, to try and help others out there who are suffering with chronic health conditions or help those around us understand what it is like and to be able to continue entertaining people as I have always been into acting since I was really little. The feeling I got when I was receiving comments saying something I had written or put up on Youtube had helped them in whatever way it was or that my video cheered them up and made them laugh that day when it was a difficult one was amazing (especially if I was
also having a difficult day). If I am honest it helped me realise that anything was possible regardless of my health situation. Sure, things had to be adapted or achieved in a different way but it wasn't going to define me or make me unable to do what I wanted even if it was in a way that I had not thought it was going to be. Hell, I got to be in the DailyMail online and on ITV News to help raise awareness and show people they are not alone and got even more amazing feedback. I made a video of me getting my pacemaker and the journey leading up to that in the hope that if I helped just one person going through it or helped one person learn what Gastroparesis is that hadn't heard of it I was winning and my health wasn't. I never expected the video to get over 12 thousand views!!! But in the mist of all of these amazing things that had come from a not so great situation.... I then started to lose that positivity energy.

Everyone goes between being positive and being negative...

We are human! However, sometimes with chronic illness these positive or negative feelings are enhanced a little and more often than not it is those negative feelings that are enhanced. It is extremely normal and very common for low moods, negative thinking and even depression to occur when living with a chronic illness. Your life gets tipped upside down when you get diagnosed and when you live with it and live with the constant fear of not knowing how you're going to wake up tomorrow and whether you're going to get through the day of have a major dip and end up back in hospital or in a bad way and are constantly in pain.... you are bound to sink into depression. We live in a world where the media like to show the "perfect figure" and the "perfect (and normal) lifestyle" etc... when in fact that's not the real world. No two people are the same and no two lives aren't the same but it doesn't mean that you're not perfect or right and that your lifestyle isn't going to be enjoyable and make you happy. So when you are going through all these major life changes to adapt to your health and suddenly you are unable to do some or most of the things the media shows, you are bound to start feeling crappy and like your life is over. 
It is hard not to when you see all these people that appear to be living the "perfect & normal life" - but what you don't see is what they're feeling or how they live away from the camera be it Youtubers or musicians or actors or whatever they do. You see what they want you to see or what the media want you to see. How many celebrities do you know that have chronic health conditions? Not many I bet and that's because not many celebrities share it with the world be it because they want to have privacy or because they're told not to for whatever reason. Then you get the people who judge you or make fun of your situation because they don't understand it or see it as different because it is not what they are dealing with and no what the media shows! No wonder I started feeling demotivated and like I wasn't going to be able to live a "normal" life. I lost all of my positivity and motivation to beat my health and still achieve amazing things. As my health got worse I felt like my life was over. That I couldn't achieve things and I was putting all my energy to all the wrong things and then it becomes a habit. 

I recently saw and read an interview with Selena Gomez. Now, she is someone that has had a lot of negative things said about her and has gone through a really rough time but has stayed strong and come out the other side. The reason I have mentioned her is because she talked about a chronic illness that she is living with. She has days where she is exhausted and physically feels in pain but she pushes through and doesn't let it beat her. She has achieved so many amazing things even though she has been dealing with that. Tell me, why isn't that all over the news and the media to show the world that it doesn't matter what you are going through, if you put your mind to it and want it enough... you can achieve it - no matter what! If you want something enough .... no one and I mean no one can stop you. You might have to try getting to that goal in a few different ways but you'll get there! I know it is wayyyyyy easier said that done and I need to take my own advice (which I am not very good at) but everything happens for a reason at the right time even if we can't see it at that moment. People come and go but the people that are good for you and are true are the people that will stay and also the ones that will help you grow!

I've had a lot of pain recently in every aspect of my life - physically, emotionally and mentally. I've had people come and go, my health is back on a downwards spiral and out of my control and I have just become really unhappy with where my life is at and what I'm doing with and in my life. There is not one bit of my life that  ever imagined would be happening and all the things I did imagine or hope for aren't there... at least not at a quick glance. Sure, I have people who I know are there for me through thick and thin and I wouldn't change that for the world (that is the only thing that has kept me going) but my life just isn't what I expected. But I'm slowly realising that the things we don't ever imagining happening to us are the things that teach us the most and are the things that end up helping put us on the right track... even if it is to make a point!! Nothing in life is "normal". Everyone's life is a challenge and is different to the person next to them but it is what we make of it that makes it "perfect". If we let people or health or just life in general control us..... we lose ourselves and we lose the things we want in life and we don't achieve things to our best potential. 

I don't even know if any of this really makes sense but in my head it does and I just decided to type whatever comes out because it is when you start amending things and overthinking things that we end up compromising being 100% truthful to ourselves. If we accept the things we can't change and change the things we won't accept..... we can achieve the most amazing things and be the happiest person ever! We just have to make the best of what we can in the situations we can't change or control but take control and change the situations we can to make them the best possible!!

And that is what I plan to do.... make the best of the situation with my health but change the situations I can to make the best of them and make them how I want to and how I originally intended to set them out to be! Living with a chronic illness is hard to accept and I can't say I have accepted it entirely because I haven't and I have days that I just can't handle it and wish for a "normal" life but once I start changing the things I can, I am hoping I will become happier and in turn find it easier to accept my health!!! 

So, who's with me? Who is going to make the best of the situations we can't change or control and take control and change the ones we can!?!?

That's all for now. I have made a video that I also posted today that matches and talks about the things I have talked about on here but in a bit more detail and all that jazz so if you want to watch that (or other fun things that are on my channel) then click this link. www.youtube.com/thedramaqueensoph - and don't forget to thumbs up the video an subscribe to have loads more fun!! 

Stay Strong

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