I hope you are all doing good? - I have had a rough old week with 2 hospital admissions via ambulance but that's a whole other story and is going to put into a post but today I felt the urge to write a post about the topic of a Patient-Doctor relationship. I am warning in advance, this is more of a rant than a full on post as I have had a few extremely bad experiences recently.
When you go to any doctor regardless of what it is for, you put your trust into that doctor to be able to help you and treat you correctly. If that trust gets broken for any reason you lose faith in you treatment you are receiving and it makes it a more difficult situation for you and the doctor.
When there is an understanding and trust between the patient and dr, both sides cooperate in a much calmer and positive way meaning a much higher level of care and treatment is received. Starting an appointment with "I don't really know why you are here" or "what do you want me to do" or " what is 'insert name of condition'" or "to be honest I know best so we are doing it my way or no way" does not make for a good start to an appointment or for a good appointment or relationship with that doctor at all for that matter. I have come across some amazing doctors and specialists over the past few years but have unfortunately also come across many rude and ignorant ones. I've even come across a specialist recently who has refused to see me for being too complex. I mean seriously?! Too complex for a specialist?!
Now, I appreciate this is a rant and not all doctors are like this for example my pain specialist, I don't have a bad word to say about him and trust in everything he says whether it is something I want to hear or not but this particular doctor I came across when I had my tube fitted recently has just really reminded me how important it is to have that relationship with a doctor be it a GP or a specialist for long term issues - so what do I do.... I rant on here :)
For a doctor to ask you what your condition is as they'd not heard of it and how it'll affect the procedure they're doing is an instant problem in my head. It instantly makes me lose a little trust and makes me feel less safe in the hands of this person who is about to stick a camera and tube through my body. However, I do also appreciate that no one person can know of every single condition BUT to then tell the patient they are wrong and they're doing it their way because they know best and they aren't happy changing up how they had planned on doing this incase there is an emergency that comes in whilst he is doing the procedure on me does nothing but raise my anxiety levels right up. Not only that, half way through the procedure they tell you that you are too distressed and he won't do I and I will have to come back and get someone else as they don't want to do it is NOT ok in anyway (especially yelling at you). When you get told you should feel sleepy (as requested may I add) and you tell them it hasn't worked and you don't feel sleepy at all and to get yelled at and basically be told you're really not important is going to make you have extremely mixed emotions and is not the ingredients to the procedure or appointments to be good or successful or as stress free as it can be. Basically being told it's their way or the highway as isn't cool. It really leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Sometimes doctors need to learn to accept to work with the patient and their knowledge in their own body as well as their own. A good bed side manner is important.... I get people have bad days but that is just a bit too far. I also know I am not the only person to experience things like this. Turns out the NJ was fitted and had a kink in it so had to be pulled out a couple of days later as I wasn't able to use it... after all that!!
This is NOT a dig at the NHS like someone had a go at me for. I appreciate the NHS very much and without it I would not have received the care and treatments I have needed. Though, whether it is NHS or private healthcare, you should not be made to feel more anxious, belittled, angered, a burden etc...
I was also taken into hospital by ambulance recently and the second time I went in because I kept fainting when I stood up or even took a sip of water, the gastroenterologist told us there was nothing wrong and to go home.... he then watched me drink a smoothie and faint and said oh yeah maybe that is an issue. I mean..... seriously, he didn't even check me over, or check anything at all before telling us I was fine and to go home. I am not going to have been taken in by ambulance if there was nothing wrong? I don't see that as a fun evening activity funnily enough - especially after being rushed in 2 days previously unconscious and even taken into resus. Clearly a doctor who just didn't have the care to do any work!!
It just makes me so mad when bedside manner is forgotten or ignorance is in these doctors who are doctors to help make people better... surely you would care if you have chosen to study for all those years to help people feel better?
Basically, to get the best out of the patient,treatment, doctor and well everything, it all stems from a good relationship with the doctor and having trust in them.
What are your thoughts/experiences on this matter?
I'll stop rambling now - it probably doesn't even make sense but like I have said previously, I started this to get things off my chest so that is what I am doing.
That's all for now
Thanks for ready
Stay Strong