Saturday 5 October 2013

Injections, Starbucks Cookies, Full Time & Stuff - Gastroparesis Update

Well HELLOOOOO There wonderful people
How are you all doing today? Having a good weekend so far?

I figured it was about time to give you all a little update once again. Lets start on the good stuff. The toe is on the mend FINALLY!! It's almost there.. not quite - but almost and almost is better that no where near.
On a not so good but normal kind of note, my stupid, unfriendly stomach and body. The last medication I told you about that I was being tried on has had to be stopped. I was getting way too many side affects. Literally the majority of the side affects list and quite badly too. I have now been put on yet another medication to try, which as per usual, I can't remember the name of it to save my life. My bad - what can we do haha!! So, I'll get back to you on that :) Forgive me? Mr Pain Dr also gave me another injection but this time it was only with the local anaesthetic, not the cortisone steroid as well. It was to give me some relief that night so I could try get some food down me. It was also for his benefit to work out ideas and such based on whether it has any affect and if so what affect and for how long etc. Did it give any relief? HAHAHA who are we kidding. You and I both could have written that down on a card and sealed it for someone else to see once the injection had been done. It gave a slight bit of relief the day after like it usually would like first thing in the morning but as soon as I ate or moved around, BAMMM it hit. 
Raspberry & White Chocolate

On an even worse note, Starbucks has come out with new cookies (I work at Starbucks) and these cookies are sooo yummy. I am a sucker for a good cookie. The stomach..... not such a fan. I have been literally 'risking it for a chocolate biscuit'. Unfortunately, I've definitely been on the losing end of the risk =[ It tasted good though and I'm sure all the ones to come will.... hey, if it tastes that good and it's in the form of a cookie.... the stomach is going to have to suck it up and deal with it. I am not going to let it take my cookies away too. I'll just have to suck it up and cope with the pain for the cookie (or half a cookie that I can manage)!! So far so good with the supervisor position. The tiredness of the full time is beginning to hit me a bit but because my boss has kept my days off split so that I work a couple days and then have a day off to rest, work a few and off and so on it hasn't been too bad just yet. It's slowly catching up with me and so is the pain and nausea but for now, I'm doing ok. Loving having the power HAHA who wouldn't??

YAY MAKEUP :D so excited!
On a pretty FABULOUS note, I won a mini contest thing (that I don't really remember entering nor winning but who cares) with Maybelline Makeup. The prize? FREE MAKEUP!! Every girls dream. After a hard day work and pain as usual, get home and handed a GOLD ENVELOPE that came in the post to find not one, not two, not three BUT FOUR bits of makeup by Maybelline. As you can imagine, being that I LOVE my makeup and beauty and all that good stuff, I was... well.... MADE UP haha!! If any of you beauty lovers would like a review on any of the products either on Youtube or here be sure to let me know :) 

Well, that's all for now. I'm off to bed as I have a nice long 10 hour shift tomorrow. Longest shift in about 2 years... should be interesting. Wish me luck!! My sleeping is pretty non exsistant so if you are bored in the middle of the night, you know my links to come chat with me :) keep me company LOL!! YOLO
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT SO FAR - can't believe I am almost as 1000 page views already.... INSANE <3

Question of the post: What is the one food item that you can't help but eat and are a sucker for? Let me know in the comments below!! 

Over and out :) 
Stay Strong 

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