Thursday 10 October 2013

And The Tiredness Hits... - Gastroparesis Update

Good Evening/morning/afternoon to you all 
(Where do you all live? Let me know in the comments)

I figured that it was that time once again to share some lovin' with you all. I am however being gassed out by my dog right now.... what is wrong with his back end tonight... so gross and probably wayyyy to much information BUT remember... 'Sharing Is Caring' :D

Anyway, getting back to what I was going to say HAHA... So last post, I was telling you about my nice 10 hour shift. Well, I completed it... I may have been delusional after from the tiredness BUT I did finish it in one piece. I did however get home and attempt to dry my hands before washing them because I was just so tired HAHA. Gave my parents a good laugh if nothing else though. The last few days since, I have been so very tired and in a lot of pain as per usual. The medicine that he gave me that I remembered the name of is called 'Tizanidine'. I am on an extremely low dose as the pain specialist is being super cautious as my body seems to be very sensitive to new medicines at the moment. The hope is to slowly increase it and pray it helps even just a little bit and that my body doesn't reject it or make me ill from it AGAIN! 

I am seeing my main specialist on Tuesday morning where he will be turning my pacemaker settings back up to the higher one as I have noticed a big difference since it was turned down and it's not the kind of different that is for the better.... lets just put it that way! It's been a tough few days with moments where I wasn't sure I would be able to complete my shift with my manager asking if I needed to go home and she would cover me (and end up doing a 15 hour shift.... there is more chance of me eating a 4 course meal and keeping it down with no pain than me giving in to my body and letting her do a 15 hour shift ... I'm way too stubborn LOL). I have a day off tomorrow YAY so I plan to rest up lots, catch up on unwatched programmes and Youtube videos and visit a fellow Gastroparesis Sufferer Friend who is currently in hospital. So I shall go keep her company for a bit and we can have a laugh and proper catch up. It's always refreshing and really nice to talk to and hang out with people who can relate and actually really understand how you are feeling because they are going through it too. No matter how much a friend or family member or anyone else tries to understand how we feel.... they just can't fully because they are not physically living it the same way we are. 

Anywho, that is all for now folks. I just uploaded a brand new Youtube Video so CLICK HERE to go watch it :) don't forget to subscribe and thumbs up it if you like it/want more!! :) 
I hope you are all doing well and starting to wrap up warm as the weather is beginning to get rather chilly... at least here in the UK anyway!! 

Well, Bye for now :) 
Stay Strong 

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