Wednesday 1 January 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR - Here's to beating Gastroparesis' Butt

Wellllll Helloooo there 

I want to start off by saying that I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year!!
Before I get into my little update for you all, I want you to raise a glass or medication bottle perhaps and repeat this sentence… 
"I just let Sophie tell me what to do because I'm a blog reading banana pie" HAHA I'm just kidding, but seriously say this one 
"Here's to a happy and healthier new year where together we will beat Gastroparesis' Butt and many other illness and obstacles"
*CLINK* - That's the sound of our glasses/medication bottles touching :D

Okidoki, so now for what you probably click on this post for… an update! 

There isn't too much to update since my last post in all honesty. I am super happy with my feeding tube and have become a lot more used to it. I barely feel it and remember it's there for the most part. Although, for some reason, it's always super uncomfortable if I turn my head right round to the left. Weird. 

Nippy (my tube) and I are good friends and getting along great. I've been put on a medication to try called Pregabalin/Lyrica which is an anti-epileptic one. I was started on a very small dose as we all know what my body is like tolerating new medication. All was A-Ok and I had no side affects. After 5 days of taking it, I was told to double the dose. So, that's what I did. Unfortunately it ended up that the 5 day mark landed on Christmas Day when we had about 17 people in our house. It didn't make me feel more ill or in pain… oh no… it just made me so very sleepy that I ended up going to bed and falling asleep around 7/8pm on Christmas Day and was out for the count until the following morning.

Atleast I wasn't throwing up or feeling dizzy or anything like that like some of the other medication side affects I've had but for a good few days it took away all the energy I did manage to get through having my tube feed and left me feeling like I hadn't slept for years and not eaten on top of that. I'd fall asleep at like 7pm every night for the next few days. Now, I don't feel as tired but still not as much energy as I had first got with the feed. Kinda sucks to be honest but the pain levels haven't been as bad recently. Granted, I have't taken anything by mouth other than a few sips of Guava juice and some hard boiled sweets, but my day to day pain has been much better. I'm pretty nervous to try and eat something proper as I'm scared the pain will come back, so I keep putting it off. We will also probably slowly keep increasing the medication dose 'till I'm at a big girl dose. I'm also pretty content with the tube right now HAHA!! Quite like having the security and the pressure it takes off… couldn't imagine getting rid of the tube right now if I'm totally honest. And hey, who wouldn't want some extra funky face jewellery… can't buy this baby in the christmas sales!! HAHA

I'm still working and doing plenty of online shopping like normal. I have however, got my makeup a bit more organised in some proper storage units so that's exciting… right? 
I'm uploading a video every so often when my energy levels allow me to film and edit something but I do really want to try get them more regular again at some point. I've decided that this is my year. I have a few pretty darn poopey ones and it's about time I have a good one. I want to achieve things and learn things and experience things I haven't so far! I'm going to start living for me and show Gastroparesis who's boss. 
'I have Gastroparesis, Gastroparesis doesn't have me'
Whether I end up having a feeding tube for another 3 months or 3 years….. it is my life and it's not going to stop me achieving and experiencing things I want to do :D FIGHTING SPIRIT TALK!! 

I also plan to do some Tubey videos and as well as some more general Gastroparesis related youtube videos to raise awareness… just got to figure out what!! Unfortunately my lil old brain (and body for that matter) doesn't work that fast :P 

Well that's all for now
Question of the post: Do you have any New Years resolutions and if so what are they? … comment below or tweet me by clicking HERE :)

Stay Strong

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