Monday 2 February 2015

The Gluten Free Diet Vs Gastroparesis

Long time no speak.
So last time we spoke, I mentioned that I had been told to try a gluten free diet. I'm around a month into it now and can see a remarkable difference.
Although I am still getting pain (some days worse than others) and can definately still feel a build up of food (Gastroparesis doesn't like to be forgotten), the bloating is basically gone for the most part aside from the really bad days. On those days, I have no choice but to just embrace the pregnancy look. HAHA!
It does seem to look like I have some sort of gluten intolerance so I guess the next step is to have the tests done for it.
I'm very mixed feelings about it all. It would be great if this was the thing we were waiting for and together with pain killers will help me get back to some sort of ''normal'' like without too much pain. BUT.... at the same time, a gluten free diet is so blooming hard. Gluten is literally in almost EVERYTHING. Between that and a Gastroparesis friendly diet, I feel like living off air would be far easier. I know it probably sounds diva-like and you are probably thinking, 'why on earth is she complaining if it has lowered her pain and bloating a lot', and don't get me wrong, I'm totally estatic that it seems to have reduced the pain and bloating for now, but I've got to the point of, I literally don't know what I can eat and how long this lessened pain will last. Between two very limiting diets, it's just making it so difficult to find things to try and eat. Even once I have then found something that should be ok, it is still unstable when it comes to pain levels. It's like I go through all this research to find half a douzen suitable things to still end up in pain of some sorts.
Another thing I have noticed since managing to eat a little more that you would probably tell me to shut up and stop being silly is, I haven't eaten much or anything for the past 3-4 years now and so, everytime I eat and think about what I have eaten during the day to try ensure I don't over eat as the Gastroparesis is still obviously there, I am constantly thinking, 'omg I have eaten so much today' or 'is this enough to be eating?' or 'omg I am overeating this can't be healthy' etc....It sounds so ridiculous and silly but it is like I have lost all knowledge of how much and what I should eat each day. All I want to do is eat normally like everyone else but it has so totally messed with my brain because I have gone form nothing to something which then suddenly seems like loads. Do I sound ridiculous? I do, don't I?
My mood as per usual has been all over the shop and I am feeling totally hopeless with my life. I feel like my life is a mess in every aspect and just needs sorting out. What do I even want to do with my life? I feel so deflated... does that even make sense? Was that the right word or am I just talking absolute sh!t? I feel like this post has totally turned into me just rambling on about everything that's swirling round my head but then makes no sense on paper.. or atleast when it is not structured in anyway. But, that just kinda explains and shows how my head is right now I guess. Real life people, real life!

AND BREATHE SOPHIE............. haha

I'll leave it there for now, let you recover from the gobble language that just occured. I'll be back before you know it... I promise... no long break this time :)

Thanks for reading and

Stay Strong

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