Tuesday 27 August 2013

Welcome To The Drama

Well... Hellooo there everyone

Well, this is scarier than I thought it would be. I have written and deleted this post more times than I've had hot dinners and that's not even a joke as you'll soon understand if you read more. So you should do just that :) ... please??

I'm not a writer by any means but I'm hoping that this will be a place to help others, release some feelings/thoughts and share some fun and amazing things with the world.

I am splitting this into two (if I work out how to haha) sections. One section to share experiences, youtube stuff, make up, fashion and anything I want to. The second and main reason for starting a blog, is to share my experience of Living With GASTROPARESIS. I'm not going to go too much into it on here as I am going to post a blog about it pretty much straight after this. To give you a quick idea, Gastroparesis is the paralysis of the stomach leaving the person unable to eat/drink normally without throwing it up or being in pain. There is no cure just a few treatments to try and manage it. I'm hoping that by sharing how I cope on a day to day basis will not only help me by letting it all out but help others who are either suffering or know someone who is suffering and maybe find ways to understand it more.
This is me... I never said I'm normal ;)

Let's have fun and enjoy reading and sharing. I'd love to hear what you have to say on any of the topics I talk about, so be sure to leave comments and feel free to talk to me on other social media sites as well, that will be linked somewhere within my page. You'll are going to have to bare with me, I never said technology and I got on very well :) 

Stay Strong 

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