Monday 12 January 2015

The Pacemaker Returns | Happy New Year

Hey Hey Hey,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! - I hope you had a good one.

I'll start with my normal sentence..... Sorry I haven't posted in a while. :)
I feel like I never have time to stop and breathe HAHA.

Christmas was a relitively good one for me this year for the first time in about 4 years. Don't get me wrong, I was pretty anxious leading up to it and on the day but I was with my family and people I love rather than home alone. There were certainly points of the day that were really hard such as when I could smell of see Christmas lunch or when it came to nibbles at dinner and I was in pain. Put that aside and I had a nice day. I got to know people a little more that I didn't know, spent the day with my boyfriend and even had a sing song on SingStar with the family. At one point we were all dancing to the YMCA. It was nice to have some normality and be able to join in and have fun.

New Years Eve I was working 'til 10:30pm which meant I couldn't do a whole lot. So my colleague who I was working with that night is also my friend, so we just went over to the Pub in the same hotel and hung out with a few others to bring in the New Year so it wasn't so bad. What did you do to bring in the New Year?

In the last week or so, my tummy has been behaving a little better and I have been feeling the pacemaker A LOT. It feels like it is sucking in my stomach and then realeasing it. Sometimes it just feels strange but others it is actually a little uncomfortable. I have managed to have a few meals for dinner and then still walk a little. Although, as I walk, it does aggrovate the pain and gets more painful. I can't walk all that far but atleast I can move to the comfy sofa rather than a kitchen chair. Can't complain there I suppose. I have been pretty bloated though which makes the pain worse which SUCKS!
We mentioned this to my pain specialist when we went this week
and he asked which foods tend to bloat me the most. I'd never thought of this but it is always foods such as pasta and pizza etc.. He's told me to try a gluten free diet for two weeks as it is possible I could have a gluten allergy which could explain some of the pain and weird temperatures. Some nights whilst I'm asleep (or trying to as the case is most the time), I will suddenly get super hot and feel like I'm sweating, but then normal or cold the next. If I have an allergy to something, no matter what painkiller I try, my body is still going to suffer and feel bad but it is having an allergic reaction. I've never really looked up what gluten is in until now. And guess what? It's in pretty much everything. My mum is getting me some gluten free foods so we shall see how it goes and if it helps reduce the pain, swelling and other symptoms I get. If it does help, my pain specialist said he will do the proper test to check for allergies.

We also discussed EDS with him. Now, I didn't know huge amounts about this condition but have heard it mentioned a number of times. The more we seem to talk, hear and read about it, the more the possibility is that I may have that too. I know I know... I'm medical condition greedy... haha!
Many symptoms seem to fit things I've had through out my life and EDS can cause Gastroparesis. Between that and the gluten, it could explain a lot. BUT... before you get all excited, neither of those conditions are curable either. Yes, gluten allergy you just cut out gluten (easier said than done as I am finding out) but that is a big life style change and the same applies for EDS. There are ways you can try manage it but nothing to cute it. Why does my body go for all the ones you can't put a plaster on or take some Calpol and it goes away? Those were the days!

Well, I think I'm going to leave it there for this post...

Have a good day

Stay Strong

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