Hey All
Hope you're all well
So I thought I would share an experience I recently had.
As you will know I am trying to work off two very difficult diets. A gluten free one and a Gastroparesis friendly one. It leaves me clueless on what I am able to eat that is actually good for me. So, my mum and I went to see a dietician.
Well... lets start at the very beginning of the appointment. It first start by her calling my name as per any normal appointment would. She then lead us into a cupboard in which, she didn't see as any problem or it being weird. Asking us 'are you coming in then?', I looked at my mum unsure of whether to laugh or be worried and replied, 'I think this is the wrong room'. Eventually she realised and we actually went into a proper room for what was clearing going to be an interesting hour of my life.
I was hoping that was the end of her being well.... an idiot she then went on to spend 10 minutes trying to get the door shut! Yes you read that correctly... 10 whole minutes to try and close a door in which should take seconds. By this point I had totally given up any hope of this being a helpful session. I mean ..come on, how hard is it to close a door? Seriously!!!
Thinking & hoping that this appointment surely could not get any worse, Dr Dumb then asks me what I think I should be eating. Uhm.... if I knew what I was able to eat that would give me goodness, would I be sitting there wasting an hour of my life with her? I may have politely told her that I don't know which is why I have come to her for help. All she kept saying was I need more variety in my diet and I need to eat more of all the things I know are not good for Gastroparesis. All the things I have been told to avoid and notice a difference if I eat them.. she told me to eat. To which she would just say that in my case there is no evidence to these being a problem for me and the condition.
When I eat a proper meal, I am in pain for hours after and can't continue any normal activities without extreme pain. So I wanted to find some small healthy snack type things that I would be able to have. Things like a boiled egg or the little fruit pots you can get. Both of which my mum suggested to her when she continued to just give proper meals as ideas. Dr Dumb said yes they are good things but doesn't give us any other ideas when we ask for other ones. She literally sat there trying to get something out of her mouth and just didn't know what to say or suggest. I was getting so frustrated and upset by it all and started to get teary. I then outright asked her 'do you even know what Gastroparesis is and about tummy's' She replied yes but in a very unsure manner. Totally not believable.
After about 30-40 minutes had past, my mum said to Dr Dumb that this was a waste of our time as she doesn't know to which Dr Dumb replied, ' I can make you an appointment with the new dietician when she starts if you would like as I am not permanent here?' We said, ' We think that would be a good idea'.
Honestly, my dog could of given us better answers than that idiot could. I really don't understand how some people pass their exams and get to where they are sometimes. I'm not being rude and I get that no one knows everything, but come on.... seriously.... She made me feel so crappy and hopeless when she should have been filling me with a bit of hope and helping me fill my stomach with good things to keep me off of feeding tubes again. I can't even get across to you just how stupid and ridiculous this appointment and she was as I am not a great writer like I have said before. But... I hope this gave you some sort of laugh be it a omg what an idiot laugh!!
How are you supposed to keep up a positive attitude when you constantly get Drs like that. I had Dr Hopeless who was the first pain specialist I saw, Dr Dumb who we just spoke about and well.... sooo many others it is hard to recall. ARGHHHH I am just getting so frustrated it is unreal. This is just the cut down version of the stupid waste of my life appointment!!
I think that will be all for today,
I hope you are having a good day and that I haven't wasted any of your time...
Until next time
Stay Strong